I get so emotional!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Holidays 2008!

Even though they're my family, I would never save them from this!

Her happiest time at the zoo!

She figured out how to use the water "blockers"
Trying to get splashed on!

Caitlin in her element!

2009 is in its 3rd week already. Can't believe it! I had a great holiday with Caitlin and family and friends during Christmas.
At 32 years old, I have learnt quite a few things and have made many decisions about other things as well including:

Giving respect to those who are respectful to me as well. I don't care if you're older than me; it just means that you are old enough to know that respect is earned. So if you are on occasion rude to me, in a bad mood like me or just not in the mood to talk, then please do not comment or complain about me being the same way. People in glass houses should not throw stones.

Spending more time doing what makes me happy and not what makes others happy. For goodness sake, people are going through sicknesses, death and war. And here you are complaining and picking on others for small infringes. Get off your high horse and pick on someone else instead. This year I don't give a damn if what I do makes you happy or not - I'm here for me and for my daughter who is too young to know any different.

Not bothering if you are disappointed with me or upset with me over every little thing. As stated in no. 1, I can bet my bottom dollar you have done the same back to me so get over it and find someone else to pick on - I can assure you that there are many others you can find to focus your unhappiness on. I've lost all interest in making you happy or feel good. Its your life - do it yourself.


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