I get so emotional!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Parent Trap

As a teacher and a parent (I say teacher first because at the moment I have more experience in that department), I am faced with the Singapore education system on a daily basis. I have seen many struggle and fail, many struggle and pass and many who simply breeze through. Comments such as íts too rigid, better to migrate, the system is all about rote learning, doesn't teach our kids to think out of the box and not preparing them for the real world, killing their spirit and much more - I have heard them all.

As a teacher and therefore part of the system, I have to say that I am a firm believer in it. I strongly believe that students who have gone through the rigidity, competition and pressure and the many examinations will come out the better for it. Say what you will about the system but I think most can safely say that if you can survive it in Singapore, you can survive anywhere. I will not get into the intricacies of the many changes being made in our system. Those who live in it on a daily basis can truly understand that we are in the process of combining the strengths of our system with new ideas, projects, expriential learning, ICT and so much more. I feel this pressure for my students but I am extremely thankful for it as well.

As a parent, I am also aware of what Caitlin and Isabella will be experiencing as they go to primary, secondary and tertiary education. As their mother, I will be by their side supporting them but as a teacher, I will also be challenging them, stretching them and pushing them to reach their full potential. Because for me, education is their meal ticket, their rice bowl and their path to a comfortable life where they will never have to worry about money. As I tell my students daily, we do not live on farms where we are self - sufficent. We live in a fiercely competitive world where just simply getting by on mediocrity is no longer accepted; a world where your certificate gets you through the door.

But as a teacher AND a parent, more importantly, I want them to learn the value of hard work and perserverance. Of never giving up and of always giving of one's best in everything that you do but being respectful, caring and kind at the same time. Those are the life values that I want them to learn as well.

So I have become an official Singapore parent. I will never be as crazy as some parents who would move to an estate just to get into a good school. But I will be the parent that will check their books, make sure their homework is always done on a friday not on a sunday, never let them skip school, that they read and read and read, that they love learning, who will talk to their teacher and who will hold their hands during exam and test preparation, who will NOT accept anything less than their best work and effort. It is one of the best gifts I will be able to give them.

Caitlin doing her daily lessons with me. She has been doing this since 9 months of age and I think she's all the better for it! (and yes, she loves it!)

And below is Caitlin helping me with Isabella's lesson


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