23 September 2006
The day I turned 30 and the day our baby girl turned 4 months! I still can't believe the odds of edward, myself and caitlin being born on the 23rd. So it was an extra special saturday save for the fact that the poor baby had a fever from a jab. So we spent the day at home (read - me too hungover to step out into the sun) and then met moo, doo, toofoo and jamoo for dinner. It was a lovely surprise that daddy could hardly keep in. I was told to dress casual and meet at one fullerton where we had scrumptious seafood at palm beach.
Caitlin at 4 months is growing so fast that I find myself conciously trying to take note of all the changes that she is going through which are plenty. She is now reaching and grabbing for anything to hold and put in her mouth, she recognises faces, smiles heck of a lot, is trying to sit up, is trying to turn, talks and yells the whole day and can hold her own bottle briefly! I am a proud mama!
At 6:43 PM, Anonymous said…
That little chubby checker girl is so adorable. She's holding the coveted spot of only photo allowed on our fridge. Even Dolce isn't up there!
I was very impressed that she could hold her own bottle but still with the dirty smily trick when she don't want to drink.
At 7:38 PM, Tempest23 said…
thats a nice photo of her and jamie!
At 8:07 PM, deb said…
Caitlin is such a smily baby! really very cute!!
At 9:36 PM, Anonymous said…
Awww isn't my grand daughter the most darlingest ?
At 7:00 PM, Anonymous said…
She is indeed! Such a happy camper! Her parents are doing a great job!!
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