I get so emotional!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Birthday Season Part 1!

Well it was an eventful weekend last week and since then I have not found one iota of time to blog! On Friday night, edward and I brought pepper to Katong Dog Park at Meyer Road only to be told that she could not enter because her temperament had to be tested first. Damn those upper class dogs running around inside, turning up their noses at her. So the three of us, bag packs and all crept away and went to the beach instead, stopping first at macs drive through for double cheeseburgers. It was a great evening.

Saturday night was di's birthday and was there a spread to eat - mutton curry, bread, rice, roast chicken (made for the future grand niece who does not like curry and was kicking in protest), assorted pickles, rasam which I slurped greedily, all kinds of fruit for dessert and delicious Marks and Spencer chocolate cookies. All this was followed with a coffee ice cream cake and conversation that ranged from Godpa's horrific MRI experience (told in dramatic bollywood manner), coverage of various news events, upcoming elections, the budget and American Idol. I went home full, with bags of more food to eat.

Sunday was a quiet day spent at the zoo with Edward, moo and doo. It was a spur of the moment and we were there bright and early. The 3 photographers were taking pictures but I decided to concentrate on exhibiting their true passion for the captured image. The highlight of the day was a rescue that moo, edward and I performed - we carried a kid (read baby goat) who had escaped and put her back with her mother before the crowd attacked her. The low point was the damn prata and curry which was like air longkang. I almost slapped the man! We finished off our day with lunch at lagoon and went home to prepare for the massacre that was to be - the following work week!

This weekend we are going Oliveiro style!


  • At 6:33 PM, Blogger doomed_troll said…

    "WE"????? I carried the damn hunk of mutton!!!!

    looks like i missed a nicew night at d's place....sigh work work work


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