I get so emotional!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Of prawn noodles, roast beef, viruses and pepper the destroyer!

It has been a hectic week filled with so much change and uncertainty! I had to move back to my parents place because Edward had caught a mumps like bug. So I came home on thursday, packed my bag and walked away from Edward and pepper who were standing at the gate saying goodbye. It was really sad!

On the bright side, I had really good prawns chilli garam (chilli prawns), kway chap, thosai and roast Chicken at the folks who as usual dropped everything and pampered me and all the cravings I had. (still owe you for the gummy bears moo!) Daddy taught mummy and I how to play some Chinese gambling game and mummy and I had a date to charlies on Friday night only to find him closed! So we settled for seafood at the hawker centre. Went home on Sunday morning and was greeted by my family who I was so glad to see!

Lunch was excellent because my bro in law drove all the way to Katong to buy the famous prawn noodles. Each prawn was the size of a baby's fist and with the chilli powder in the gravy, it was damn shiok! I was really touched that he and edward drove all the way there and I was so ravenous that I did not even take a picture for the blog!

Dinner was lovely roast beef marinated and made by my doo, we also made mash potatoes and baked beans and sat down, the 3 of us, played cards and chatted away!

In the midst, was a ball that I bought for pepper which made her so excited that she was yelping the entire time because she could not get her teeth into it! When she finally did, it burst and she spent an hour quietly chewing away at the plastic until I caught her, gave her a tap on her bum and threw the whole carcass away.

Today am home from work as I caught the flu virus so am resting, marking and listening to Club 977. com - its bon jovi's bad medicine! (oh the irony!)


  • At 5:40 AM, Blogger doomed_troll said…

    twas so loney..the fatty and i were wandering the house in search of you

  • At 6:15 AM, Blogger doomed_troll said…

    yah man we ate like pigs....prawns at lunch and roast for dinner both great meals...now the four of us are back together so nice

  • At 5:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yup the prawns we super huge, it should be for that price....! pepper & zorro are looking so much alike.

  • At 10:15 PM, Blogger Tempest23 said…

    Your hubby said "see what I do for the wives."

    Poor thing lah..he is hardworking!

  • At 1:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Pepper needs an indestructible lightweight ball with a nub. That's all she wants! A nub!!!

    I'm not so much into prawn noodles but that kway chap sounds good!

    Ours last night was SO naughty, yelping like twice during the night - with that she has a loud voice scolding her and miracle of miracle, she is still sleeping now at 730am, whereas previous days saw her awake at 5am! Not only that, she had dragged her bed into the middle of the kitchen floor and threw her pet pug out of it - I think she must have played herself out last night!

  • At 7:49 PM, Blogger Tempest23 said…

    So cute this dolce! Sounds like she has a mind of her own!

  • At 3:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Last night was even more of a dream! She slept through the entire night and in the morning when she woke up, occupied herself by playing with her ball instead of whining for us to wake up and get her!

    We actually managed to sleep in till 8am! Of course when we went to get her, she was trying to climb up my leg.

    Slowly but surely! We will crack her free spirit!

  • At 7:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    are we talking about a rat.....


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