I get so emotional!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

My mama

My mama and papa

Today is my mama's death anniversary and looking back, it really seems so long ago.
Yet somehow, she has always been in our hearts, thoughts and conversations. I wonder what she would have thought of me now at 31 years old with a baby girl of my own. I bet she would have spoiled Caitlin rotten and got her hooked on good food that she cooked so painstakingly everyday.

I remember the months that we stayed at Em's house. Not a day went by without her walking to the market (swollen feet, bad cough and all) to buy prata for our breakfast (every single day), or the tea of cream puffs, epok epok and more. What about her marvellous cooking (her prawn and potato, rebong soup, curry nanas and so much more) and her scrabble playing, phone conversations to her sisters and rushing at a moments notice to change so that she could follow us on a trip out. Its funny but her voice, her expressions and the way she spoke, her kebayas, handkerchiefs and her eau de cologne and tiger balm and powder smell are still so firmly etched in my mind. It would be nice though to be able to meet her now and show her my baby proudly and hear her voice again just for while.

So here is to my mama whom i miss a lot. I hope that she is at peace and is contented, watching us live our lives the way she dreamed for us.