I get so emotional!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Caitlin updates!

Caitlin has just joined the toddler group at her weekend school and she is by far the youngest, the most active, the most talkative and the most energetic. She is also the only one who sits on the teacher's lap (teacher florence and whatshername chinese teacher). As a mother, I am proud to see that she is confident, full of energy and not interested in being part of the norm or status quo. As a teacher, I would have punished this type of student about 3oo hundred times already!

This video is of her during her chinese lesson singing some song about butterflies. Miss Caitlin in the end and as usual opted for the more interesting option of putting scarves back into the box.

The other two videos are of her playing the piano. Thanks to the lovely piano Em gave her for her birthday last year and the reject piano from me ol mum, she loves to play. She makes a beeline for this little piano in the park and in true Caitlin fashion has moved from us trying to mould her into Beethoven or even Alicia Keys into more of an Elton John/Liberace/Jerry lee lewis hybrid.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Caitlin and I at the Botanic Gardens!

What a Chinese New Year weekend it was! Wednesday was half day and then 4 full days of holidays. I think the whole staff room is still recuperating and trying to rise above our depression at being back at work!
On a lighter note, Caitlin and I headed to the botanic gardens early sunday morning and had a great time. I can safely say that I am going to meet my match in the talking department because she was chatting and singing the minute we got into the car till we came home. Running up and down slopes and hills, illegally plucking flowers and falling about 10 times, meeting countless dogs all added up to her saying "I tired, I want to go home."
She is now a big "poser", able to pose and smile for the camera at any angle and at any time! (like mummy and godma)