I get so emotional!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Caitlin and "NO!"

Caitlin's understanding of the word "no"

1. Head in the direction of the thing that you are not supposed to head for (the bar)
2. Mummy says "No" loudly and vehemently.
3. Stops short, sits and looks at mummy.
4. Claps and pretends to not have heard.
5. Tries to distract mummy by heading in another direction and attempting a new
achievement like standing on her own.
5. During mummy's excitement, head in that direction again.
6. Process repeated all over again.

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Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter Weekend!

Dinner at a roy thai (yet again) with Em, Marc, Ross, Tuff and Edward. We had the works! That yummy steamed fish with lemongrass gravy, minced pork with chili and basil, tom yum goong, beef green curry, fishcakes for all, the special flat pancake x2, the spicy minced chicken and prawn tanghoon salad, the special lettuce salad, drinks and red rubies for dessert. Thanks Em once again, it was fantastic!


Did a spot of shopping at wonderful far east with me ol sis. We went into practically every shop and had long john silvers for lunch because our beloved beef noodles at scotts is gone.

Surprised mummy with dinner at Black Canyon at Katong. (Yes Thai food once again - I can eat it everyday!) For what we ate, see above! Mummy stayed over as daddy was doing the F1 with Godpa at Sepang. We watched TV, had numerous misadventures and prata for breakfast the next day. Brought Cate to the beach where she finally sat in the sand and played willingly. Came home burnt and all!

May who is the busiest person I know always calls us when she is finally free. So we planned a great dinner at cafe iguana with Mel and Regina and then suitably shiok on margaritas, we walked down to MOS early to get in free (yes we are old and don't want to stand in any q) and danced and drank as if tomorrow we did not have to get up for easter mass! Regina and I (the mothers) gave ourselves a time of 1230am to leave. That soon became 130, 230 and 3am. We literally stumbled to the taxi stand, and I could not make it for the early mass! (sorry honey!). The music was fantastic and the crowd was fun!

Lunch at Machados
Poor BIL had to work so it was just us for lunch. We had turkey, mash, homemade ham, cabbage, beetroot and lots more. Played the game of life with Megan and Baba. Michael was my partner but he abandoned me to create a camp like fortress at the door. Caitlin was thrilled to play with her cousins and pepper was reunited with her brother zorro and sis in law zoe.

Tea at Em's
Popiah(homemade by Em) otak, lots of peranakan cakes that I can't spell, ice cream, sausages, bread and even fresh pomelo for dessert. Caitlin became miss pales and was most annoying with her whining and crying even though my aunties had been waiting so long to play with her. Other than that we had a great time as usual!

And Yet, not a single photo was taken!!!

Sunday, April 01, 2007


The morning:
Family day out at the new Giant supermarket. Caitlin got a new bike with the handle thing to push for parents, Edward got this monstrosity of an akira fan than makes pepper's fly backwards and I got bathroom mats. (how times have changed)

The afternoon:
Edward got recalled and drove him to maju camp and waited but was told he would be in there till the evening so left to take Cate to gymboree.

Late afternoon:
Caitlin's first gymboree class! She had the time of her life and crawled all over the place! She was more interested in socialising and making friends than listening to the instructor but I was so proud of her as the instructor said she was so independent as she did not cling to me once! Next stop Kindermusik!

Dinner with Verena at pasta fresca. We talked so much that we were the last ones left in the restaurant. Stopped by her house first and was amazed to realise that all of us now have kids!

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So we get fridays free and the minute I got up, Caitlin and I headed for the zoo. It was really the perfect day with my daughter. She was thrilled to see all the animals that she has learned and watched on her DVDs, stories and flashcards. We went to every exhibit, read every piece of information about the animals, took a lovely tea break and then headed home, happy. I really enjoyed my day with my baby girl.

The evening was spent with my cousins - Bear, Aileen, Marc, Gina, Ross and my beloved hubby, Edward! It was great time with dinner, drinks and conversation. Actually I realised age had caught up because we spent most time eating instead of drinking!