Chinese New Year Part 2 - Survivor Calcutta!

Edward blogged this day as survivor Safra but we were all calling it survivor calcutta because there were just so many Indians among us! It was a nice day from the start although our usual spot at Safra Tampines had been completely torn down. We decided to head to the beach and make our picnic spot there which was a great idea!
Em made nasi lemak (delicious as usual), daddy and mummy brought the chicken wings, spam, bread and daddy's surprise (frozen longans which Godpa claimed was actually his idea from years back), Godpa, Auntie Jack and Bear brought the drinks and we made do with the lack of cups by drinking water from bowls. (all because uncle from safra has been moved!), Edward and I brought the cucumber (which I assigned daddy to buy and cut hee hee) and Di paid for our additional drinks and brought other tidbits (and 2 lovely nightgowns for me and a mango top from Em). Plus, Les and Auntie Jack gave the baby some hongbaos (which we will keep for her hee hee again!)
We set up camp, wolfed down the food, gossiped and gambled, slept, I marked, edward and mummy took photo after photo, auntie jack killed a few grasshoppers and the boys swam. Then in the evening, we all took a walk on the sand bank where we had some lovely group shots because of the lighting.
So the photos you see are of our great day (with all the men except for marc and ross sucking in their stomachs for all their worth the whole day!) There is also many of several bungalow bills using nature for hanging things, laying things down and making our lives there enjoyable (hence survivor calcutta although we all agreed that poor daddy would be the first one voted out even though he claimed he would have been the fire starter and fish catcher. The 2nd would be Godpa - I have no idea why that all turned against him after that.)
Chinese New Year was great! And so were auntie Charlottes cornflake cookies!